![]() What Can Happen at School? A lot. When your child suddenly wants to spend a lot of time in their room, to be alone, something has happened. On the bus, at school, on the playground or walk home. Something has happened and they are trying to handle it. Find out what happened. You have to know your child, and each child is different. Find out. Children can be contemplating suicide, you don't know how they are responding to what happened. Other girls may have gathered around them in the locker room and said cruel and hurtful things. In the lunchroom, the hallways, before or after school - kids can say horrible things. And children are still growing up, they don't know how to handle pressure. You can say all day long 'just ignore those kids' but you have to understand that words can hurt. There is a phrase 'sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me'. You may have heard this before. IT'S A LIE. Words can scar you for life. This is what I do. I find a way to distract them and get them involved in something else - then as they calm down I encourage them to talk about it. I remember one time my daughter came home and she went straight to her room 'Hey sweetheart, how was your day?' Nothing. Not even a word - just a forceful closing of her door. I know my daughter likes dancing, so I turned up some music and started dancing while saying things like 'I am going to figure out this dance move' 'I am going to get this'. After a few minutes her door opened, and she looked out 'what are you doing?' 'learning this dance move' 'ugh...' A few seconds later she came out and went to the kitchen to get a lemonade. Again, but this time with some attitude, 'What are you doing?' 'learning this dance move - don't worry I will get it' 'That's easy, I can show you' 'No, no - your busy and I wouldn't want to disturb you' 'But I can help you' Bingo! Now she is trying to help me - not worried about her problems. So I show her a dance video and she helps me learn it (a dance I already knew how to do, lol). 'So, how was your day?' and now she just unloads all her problems and we were able to talk it out and hug it out. Parenting: 1 Mean School Kids: 0 With Love Sugar, Miss J SpeakToMissJ.com ThingsYouWantedToSay.com https://tiktok.com/speaktomissj Kindly SUBSCRIBE, Like, Follow, Share, Tweet, etc...
![]() I say to the children, if someone is giving you a hard time: Do your time. Look at school like a prison. You only have 12 years, and you get out every summer for 2-3 months to recover and charge back up before returning to the school. Do the time. Make it profitable. Some of those children won’t even graduate, some quit, some move on. Once you graduate from high school (or prison) – some of you may not see it that bad, but for those who have a tough time and struggle – remember when you graduate, all the children go their way and you may not ever see them again. You have done your time. Most all of those I graduated with, I have never seen since. It is just 12 years. Don’t take your life, don’t let them talk you into something stupid or addicting, don’t let them bully you into hurting yourself. It is almost over… You can make it!! With Love Sugar, Miss J SpeakToMissJ.com ThingsYouWantedToSay.com https://tiktok.com/speaktomissj Kindly SUBSCRIBE, Like, Follow, Share, Tweet, etc... ![]() Kids Tell All… if You Let Them I remember picking up my daughter from school, ‘how was your day?’ and she opened up and poured it out! I was thinking ‘o my gosh, do I want to listen to all of this?’ it dawned on me ‘listen, listen, listen… you might actually learn something’. Too many people in life want to talk and never listen. So I say to parents and anybody who picks the children up from school, including teenagers who pile into the back of the car yapping away: Listen. You may be thinking; ’quiet, I don’t want to listen to this today’. NO! Listen. They trust you enough to be comfortable and share what they are going through and you just might hear ‘secrets’. Back to the story: As I picked her up she continued ‘there was this boy in class who crawled under his desk and wouldn’t come out. And the teacher said “Come out from under there. I may not be able to whip you, but I can pinch you” and she was cussing and started pinching him!! He came out crying and she kept pinching him!!’ So there is a teacher who is pinching the children hard enough to hurt them… pinching them hard! So I kept that in the back of my mind, even thru parent teacher conferences. I knew that if I confronted the teacher, then she could confront my daughter. Even teenagers talking to their friends, or to you, can tell you information that may be useful later on. LISTEN. You can learn a lot. With Love Sugar, Miss J SpeakToMissJ.com ThingsYouWantedToSay.com https://tiktok.com/speaktomissj Kindly SUBSCRIBE, Like, Follow, Share, Tweet, etc... |