Have you ever known someone that went to college to get their dream job?
They made the sacrifice to cut loose friends so they could score A's and B's on their tests. Now they have a title with their name and it is now time for them to apply for a job, at that company, that they drove by saying 'I will be employed there someday, you just watch'. Finally they get the job. There are people who work in that same department who feel threatened. They have been their several hundred years it seems like. Then somebody full of energy starts working there, putting the lazy worker to shame, Because they are eager and ready to work with no complaints. Now the new person can't understand why the others in the department are treating them bad. They can't sleep at night because they are not used to being treated like this. They want to quit and give up, but they tell themselves that they are not going to give others the satisfaction of chasing them off. But the unpleasant work environment is getting to be too much to handle. Please remember, there will always be someone who feels threatened by your abilities and the performance that you bring to the situation. I had to remind myself, 'I have a job to do, whether they like it or not, they are NOT paying my bills'. By taking a stand, who knows how many other workers are waiting to get free from the intimidation from these bad attitude workers who have been there 100's of years. I decided to enter the job with a smile on my face, in spite of what they say about me. Who knows, I just might be their boss someday or get the training I need to start my own company. With Love Sugar Miss J SpeakToMissJ.com ThingsYouWantedToSay.com Kindly SUBSCRIBE, Like, Follow, Tweet, etc...
Have you ever had someone volunteer to do something for you, and then they think that you should repay them...
Over and Over and Over, again? This is something that I had to put in check. I didn't ask them, therefore, I don't owe them. Certainly not over and over and over again. Remember, if you were just talking about something that you were going to do, or wanted to do, and they just up and volunteered... You don't owe them anything, and you have no reason to feel guilty. Some people have a heart that like to give, it is in them to Bless others. Some people have a heart to steal, they just Take from others. Some people want to give, and then tell everybody what they have done for you. And Some just take advantage of people who easily feel guilty, and they Manipulate them. I had to have this talk with myself, in order to cut loose from those that were always trying to give BUT with conditions. Trying to guilt or obligate others into doing things for them... constantly. Now I hang out with people who are like Jesus, they have a heart to GIVE, because it feels good. They Give and move on without looking back, instead looking forward for other opportunities to GIVE to others. Just like me. And Just like you. Right?! With Love Sugar Miss J SpeakToMissJ.com ThingsYouWantedToSay.com Kindly SUBSCRIBE, Like, Follow, Tweet, etc... Do you know that there are some things in life that you don't realize until you get older?
I am speaking about me of course. I remember my mother telling me to 'be quiet and listen'. When I was younger I just wanted to get my point across and talked anyway. "You are just old, outdated and don't know nothing" the thought was going through my head, but I didn't tell it to her! As I got older and became a parent, I found out that she knew a lot more than I gave her credit for. It is always best to listen first, you will learn a lot. I came to realize that the way you bring yourself to a situation will determine how others treat you. Do you approach situations in a humble spirit? (meaning: 'is there anything I can do to help' and you really mean it, really sincere.) or... Do you bring an exalted spirit to the situation? (meaning: 'I am better than you and I don't like you') The way that you bring yourself to others makes a huge difference. It doesn't matter how many degrees you have, who you know, or what you have done - it is your approach that has the biggest effect on their opinion of you. With Love Sugar Miss J SpeakToMissJ.com ThingsYouWantedToSay.com Kindly SUBSCRIBE, Like, Follow, Tweet, etc... |